+----------------------------------------+ | Golduck | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 44 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Cloud Nine 63.636% | | Swift Swim 36.364% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 52.273% | | Life Orb 34.091% | | Choice Scarf 9.091% | | Other 4.545% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 50.000% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 15.909% | | Bold:252/0/124/0/112/20 13.636% | | Timid:252/0/80/0/120/56 9.091% | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 4.545% | | Modest:72/0/0/252/0/184 2.273% | | Other 4.545% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Hidden Power Grass 63.636% | | Scald 52.273% | | Calm Mind 47.727% | | Hydro Pump 45.455% | | Ice Beam 31.818% | | Focus Blast 31.818% | | Psychic 27.273% | | Substitute 27.273% | | Psyshock 22.727% | | Encore 15.909% | | Rain Dance 11.364% | | Protect 4.545% | | Other 18.182% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pupitar +14.318% | | Emolga +13.864% | | Volbeat +11.250% | | Beartic +11.250% | | Beedrill +10.795% | | Lunatone +10.227% | | Seaking +8.977% | | Sandshrew +6.932% | | Omanyte +6.477% | | Stunky +6.136% | | Dusclops +5.909% | | Archen +5.114% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Mienfoo | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 31 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Regenerator 96.774% | | Reckless 3.226% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 90.323% | | Choice Scarf 9.677% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 35.484% | | Adamant:248/12/192/0/0/56 32.258% | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 16.129% | | Impish:252/0/196/0/0/60 6.452% | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 3.226% | | Adamant:248/20/192/0/0/48 3.226% | | Other 3.226% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Knock Off 100.000% | | U-turn 100.000% | | Drain Punch 83.871% | | Swords Dance 51.613% | | Taunt 35.484% | | High Jump Kick 16.129% | | Other 12.903% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Heatmor +16.008% | | Corsola +12.782% | | Plusle +8.831% | | Kricketune +7.903% | | Luxray +7.903% | | Gastly +7.903% | | Eelektrik +7.903% | | Glalie +7.581% | | Graveler +7.379% | | Furfrou +6.935% | | Fearow +6.653% | | Wailord +6.653% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Furfrou | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 28 | | Viability Ceiling: 55 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Fur Coat 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 53.571% | | Choice Band 42.857% | | Other 3.571% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 60.714% | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 21.429% | | Jolly:0/252/0/4/0/252 10.714% | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 3.571% | | Other 3.571% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 100.000% | | Return 67.857% | | Toxic 64.286% | | Sucker Punch 60.714% | | Frustration 32.143% | | Surf 25.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 21.429% | | Wild Charge 10.714% | | Other 17.857% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Corsola +15.893% | | Glalie +13.571% | | Gourgeist-Large +10.179% | | Sandshrew +10.179% | | Lampent +10.179% | | Emolga +9.643% | | Gastly +9.286% | | Eelektrik +9.286% | | Wailord +8.036% | | Mienfoo +7.679% | | Murkrow +7.679% | | Trubbish +6.786% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Emolga | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 18 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Motor Drive 88.889% | | Static 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 88.889% | | Rocky Helmet 5.556% | | Choice Scarf 5.556% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 88.889% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/0/252 5.556% | | Timid:4/0/0/252/0/252 5.556% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Volt Switch 94.444% | | Roost 94.444% | | Taunt 83.333% | | Hidden Power Ice 66.667% | | Knock Off 22.222% | | Air Slash 11.111% | | Thunder 5.556% | | Encore 5.556% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Beedrill +47.917% | | Golduck +33.889% | | Sandshrew +33.194% | | Lampent +22.083% | | Lopunny +15.972% | | Furfrou +15.000% | | Wormadam-Trash +10.417% | | Stunky +9.167% | | Pupitar +4.722% | | Masquerain +4.306% | | Natu +4.306% | | Girafarig +4.306% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Beedrill | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 15 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swarm 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Black Sludge 86.667% | | Focus Sash 6.667% | | Life Orb 6.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:248/0/0/0/252/8 73.333% | | Careful:248/8/0/0/252/0 13.333% | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 6.667% | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 6.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 93.333% | | Roost 86.667% | | Knock Off 86.667% | | Toxic Spikes 73.333% | | Defog 13.333% | | Drill Run 13.333% | | X-Scissor 13.333% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Emolga +57.500% | | Sandshrew +42.083% | | Golduck +31.667% | | Lampent +28.750% | | Heatmor +17.083% | | Lopunny +13.750% | | Luxray +8.333% | | Masquerain +5.417% | | Natu +5.417% | | Girafarig +5.417% | | Furfrou +5.000% | | Graveler +4.583% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Pupitar | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 14 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Shed Skin 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 71.429% | | Careful:248/0/8/0/252/0 21.429% | | Careful:248/0/0/0/252/8 7.143% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 85.714% | | Dragon Dance 71.429% | | Rest 28.571% | | Other 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Golduck +45.000% | | Dusclops +32.857% | | Ariados +31.607% | | Archen +22.321% | | Murkrow +21.964% | | Seviper +21.071% | | Gourgeist-Large +17.321% | | Lopunny +15.179% | | Noctowl +13.929% | | Heatmor +12.321% | | Glaceon +9.286% | | Emolga +6.071% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Corsola | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 13 | | Viability Ceiling: 55 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Regenerator 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Rocky Helmet 69.231% | | Assault Vest 23.077% | | Leftovers 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:248/0/192/0/52/16 46.154% | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 23.077% | | Modest:212/0/0/252/0/44 23.077% | | Bold:248/0/192/0/68/0 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 76.923% | | Toxic 76.923% | | Recover 76.923% | | Power Gem 23.077% | | Hidden Power Grass 23.077% | | Ice Beam 23.077% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Furfrou +34.231% | | Mienfoo +30.481% | | Fearow +24.519% | | Gloom +19.327% | | Wormadam-Trash +16.827% | | Trubbish +15.577% | | Chimecho +15.577% | | Stunky +15.577% | | Staryu +12.885% | | Glaceon +10.385% | | Plusle +9.327% | | Murkrow +9.327% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Heatmor | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 13 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flash Fire 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Custap Berry 76.923% | | Assault Vest 23.077% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Mild:80/0/0/252/0/176 38.462% | | Mild:0/4/0/252/0/252 38.462% | | Mild:0/80/0/252/0/176 23.077% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Fire Blast 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Superpower 92.308% | | Other 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Plusle +40.096% | | Mienfoo +38.173% | | Kricketune +25.769% | | Fearow +24.519% | | Beedrill +19.712% | | Banette +19.519% | | Gloom +19.327% | | Lopunny +16.827% | | Gothitelle +14.519% | | Pupitar +13.269% | | Luxray +10.385% | | Corsola +6.827% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Gothitelle | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 13 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Competitive 76.923% | | Frisk 23.077% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 92.308% | | Light Clay 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 61.538% | | Modest:0/0/4/252/0/252 30.769% | | Timid:248/0/0/8/0/252 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Psyshock 92.308% | | Signal Beam 76.923% | | Calm Mind 69.231% | | Substitute 30.769% | | Future Sight 23.077% | | Heal Bell 23.077% | | Hidden Power Fire 23.077% | | Taunt 23.077% | | Hidden Power Fighting 15.385% | | Reflect 7.692% | | Other 15.385% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Ariados +27.212% | | Kricketune +25.769% | | Plusle +24.712% | | Banette +19.519% | | Tyrunt +19.327% | | Trubbish +15.577% | | Mienfoo +15.096% | | Heatmor +14.519% | | Lampent +11.827% | | Glaceon +10.385% | | Murkrow +9.327% | | Glalie +8.077% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Omanyte | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 13 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swift Swim 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Shell Smash 100.000% | | Hydro Pump 100.000% | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 76.923% | | Earth Power 23.077% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Lunatone +64.423% | | Seaking +63.173% | | Volbeat +63.173% | | Beartic +63.173% | | Golduck +21.923% | | Tyrunt +19.327% | | Ariados +11.827% | | Lampent +11.827% | | Glalie +8.077% | | Gothitelle +6.827% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Glalie | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 12 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Inner Focus 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Specs 33.333% | | Focus Sash 33.333% | | Leftovers 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Hasty:0/4/0/252/0/252 58.333% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 41.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Freeze-Dry 100.000% | | Spikes 100.000% | | Taunt 66.667% | | Ice Beam 33.333% | | Hidden Power Fire 33.333% | | Earthquake 33.333% | | Explosion 25.000% | | Other 8.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Gastly +28.333% | | Eelektrik +28.333% | | Wailord +27.083% | | Tyrunt +21.250% | | Gourgeist-Small +20.000% | | Murkrow +19.583% | | Mienfoo +19.583% | | Graveler +16.250% | | Ariados +13.750% | | Lampent +13.750% | | Seviper +9.167% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Plusle | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 11 | | Viability Ceiling: 55 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Lightning Rod 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 63.636% | | Leftovers 27.273% | | Salac Berry 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Thunderbolt 100.000% | | Nasty Plot 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 63.636% | | Encore 63.636% | | Hidden Power Ice 36.364% | | Volt Switch 27.273% | | Other 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Banette +52.386% | | Heatmor +47.386% | | Kricketune +31.364% | | Gothitelle +29.205% | | Mienfoo +24.886% | | Gloom +23.523% | | Mankey +23.523% | | Dwebble +23.523% | | Fearow +21.023% | | Stunky +19.773% | | Corsola +11.023% | | Croconaw +7.841% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Murkrow | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 11 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Prankster 72.727% | | Super Luck 27.273% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 63.636% | | Careful:248/0/0/0/124/136 18.182% | | Careful:248/0/8/0/252/0 9.091% | | Bold:248/0/252/8/0/0 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Roost 100.000% | | Brave Bird 90.909% | | Taunt 36.364% | | Pursuit 36.364% | | Thunder Wave 27.273% | | Foul Play 27.273% | | Sucker Punch 27.273% | | Defog 27.273% | | Calm Mind 9.091% | | Other 18.182% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Archen +30.114% | | Pupitar +27.955% | | Dusclops +26.364% | | Ariados +25.114% | | Gourgeist-Small +22.273% | | Glalie +21.364% | | Trubbish +19.773% | | Furfrou +19.545% | | Graveler +18.523% | | Mienfoo +15.795% | | Corsola +11.023% | | Gothitelle +11.023% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Seaking | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 11 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swift Swim 90.909% | | Lightning Rod 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Liechi Berry 90.909% | | Leftovers 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 90.909% | | Careful:248/0/0/0/228/32 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Waterfall 90.909% | | Megahorn 90.909% | | Facade 90.909% | | Scald 9.091% | | Other 18.182% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Lunatone +78.409% | | Volbeat +77.159% | | Beartic +77.159% | | Omanyte +74.659% | | Golduck +35.909% | | Chimecho +1.591% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Volbeat | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 11 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Prankster 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Damp Rock 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/0/4/0/252/0 90.909% | | Relaxed:248/0/252/0/8/0 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 100.000% | | Roost 100.000% | | Encore 100.000% | | Rain Dance 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Beartic +86.250% | | Lunatone +78.409% | | Seaking +77.159% | | Omanyte +74.659% | | Golduck +45.000% | | Lopunny +2.841% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Beartic | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 11 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swift Swim 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Damp Rock 90.909% | | Leftovers 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/4/0/0/252 90.909% | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Icicle Crash 100.000% | | Superpower 100.000% | | Rain Dance 90.909% | | Shadow Claw 90.909% | | Other 18.182% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Volbeat +86.250% | | Lunatone +78.409% | | Seaking +77.159% | | Omanyte +74.659% | | Golduck +45.000% | | Lopunny +2.841% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lunatone | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 10 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Damp Rock 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Explosion 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Magic Coat 100.000% | | Rain Dance 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Seaking +86.250% | | Volbeat +86.250% | | Beartic +86.250% | | Omanyte +83.750% | | Golduck +45.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Gourgeist-Large | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Frisk 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 44.444% | | Rocky Helmet 44.444% | | Colbur Berry 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Impish:248/0/240/0/0/20 33.333% | | Impish:252/0/252/0/4/0 22.222% | | Careful:248/0/0/0/248/12 11.111% | | Impish:252/4/252/0/0/0 11.111% | | Impish:248/0/244/0/0/16 11.111% | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Synthesis 100.000% | | Will-O-Wisp 100.000% | | Foul Play 77.778% | | Seed Bomb 66.667% | | Leech Seed 44.444% | | Other 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Noctowl +36.944% | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Pupitar +26.944% | | Seviper +25.833% | | Zweilous +17.222% | | Fearow +15.972% | | Magcargo +15.972% | | Trubbish +14.722% | | Chimecho +14.722% | | Golduck +11.667% | | Spritzee +9.861% | | Tentacool +9.861% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Sandshrew | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 55 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sand Rush 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Impish:248/0/36/0/224/0 66.667% | | Bold:252/0/32/0/224/0 11.111% | | Careful:252/0/32/0/224/0 11.111% | | Calm:248/0/88/0/172/0 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Super Fang 88.889% | | Other 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Beedrill +70.139% | | Emolga +66.389% | | Lampent +55.417% | | Golduck +33.889% | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Dusclops +12.222% | | Parasect +9.861% | | Lickitung +9.861% | | Gourgeist-Small +6.111% | | Archen +4.861% | | Trubbish +3.611% | | Chimecho +3.611% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Banette | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Frisk 88.889% | | Insomnia 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 88.889% | | Choice Band 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 88.889% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Shadow Claw 88.889% | | Knock Off 88.889% | | Sucker Punch 55.556% | | Gunk Shot 44.444% | | Taunt 33.333% | | Shadow Sneak 33.333% | | Dazzling Gleam 11.111% | | Dark Pulse 11.111% | | Hex 11.111% | | Thunder Wave 11.111% | | Other 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Plusle +64.028% | | Kricketune +39.444% | | Mankey +29.583% | | Dwebble +29.583% | | Gothitelle +28.194% | | Heatmor +28.194% | | Stunky +25.833% | | Masquerain +9.861% | | Natu +9.861% | | Girafarig +9.861% | | Dedenne +8.611% | | Bibarel +6.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Ariados | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swarm 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Focus Sash 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/4/0/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sticky Web 100.000% | | Megahorn 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | | Toxic Spikes 88.889% | | Other 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dusclops +56.667% | | Pupitar +49.167% | | Gothitelle +39.306% | | Archen +38.194% | | Murkrow +30.694% | | Tyrunt +29.583% | | Lampent +22.083% | | Glalie +18.333% | | Glaceon +17.222% | | Omanyte +17.083% | | Golduck +11.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lampent | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 55 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flash Fire 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 66.667% | | Eviolite 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 66.667% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Fire Blast 100.000% | | Shadow Ball 100.000% | | Energy Ball 100.000% | | Trick 66.667% | | Calm Mind 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sandshrew +55.417% | | Beedrill +47.917% | | Emolga +44.167% | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Tyrunt +29.583% | | Ariados +22.083% | | Glalie +18.333% | | Omanyte +17.083% | | Gothitelle +17.083% | | Golduck +11.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Dusclops | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 8 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Pressure 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:248/252/4/0/0/4 50.000% | | Modest:248/0/76/176/0/8 25.000% | | Adamant:248/252/0/0/8/0 12.500% | | Calm:248/0/100/0/160/0 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Power-Up Punch 62.500% | | Earthquake 62.500% | | Ice Punch 62.500% | | Shadow Sneak 62.500% | | Rest 37.500% | | Calm Mind 25.000% | | Ice Beam 25.000% | | Shadow Ball 25.000% | | Will-O-Wisp 12.500% | | Seismic Toss 12.500% | | Other 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Ariados +63.750% | | Pupitar +57.500% | | Archen +43.750% | | Murkrow +36.250% | | Golduck +32.500% | | Glaceon +20.000% | | Sandshrew +13.750% | | Parasect +11.250% | | Lickitung +11.250% | | Gothitelle +8.750% | | Trubbish +5.000% | | Chimecho +5.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Graveler | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 7 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sturdy 85.714% | | Rock Head 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 57.143% | | Adamant:248/208/0/0/0/52 28.571% | | Impish:252/0/240/0/0/16 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Gourgeist-Small +37.857% | | Mienfoo +32.679% | | Murkrow +29.107% | | Glalie +27.857% | | Luxray +23.571% | | Furfrou +22.143% | | Heatmor +12.321% | | Beedrill +9.821% | | Zweilous +9.286% | | Lopunny +8.036% | | Trubbish +6.786% | | Gourgeist-Large +3.036% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Trubbish | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sticky Hold 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Impish:252/0/252/0/4/0 50.000% | | Bold:248/0/252/8/0/0 16.667% | | Bold:248/0/252/0/8/0 16.667% | | Impish:252/4/252/0/0/0 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Spikes 100.000% | | Pain Split 83.333% | | Toxic Spikes 50.000% | | Gunk Shot 50.000% | | Drain Punch 50.000% | | Sludge Bomb 16.667% | | Haze 16.667% | | Clear Smog 16.667% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Murkrow +36.250% | | Corsola +33.750% | | Gothitelle +33.750% | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Mienfoo +27.917% | | Gourgeist-Large +22.083% | | Parasect +15.417% | | Lickitung +15.417% | | Spritzee +15.417% | | Zweilous +11.667% | | Magcargo +10.417% | | Chimecho +9.167% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Chimecho | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 48 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 33.333% | | Bold:252/0/252/4/0/0 33.333% | | Bold:252/0/160/0/0/96 16.667% | | Bold:252/0/156/0/0/96 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Recover 83.333% | | Heal Bell 66.667% | | Psychic 50.000% | | Calm Mind 33.333% | | Future Sight 33.333% | | Signal Beam 33.333% | | Thunder Wave 16.667% | | Cosmic Power 16.667% | | Stored Power 16.667% | | Charge Beam 16.667% | | Wish 16.667% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Corsola +33.750% | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Staryu +30.833% | | Glaceon +28.333% | | Mienfoo +27.917% | | Gourgeist-Large +22.083% | | Sliggoo +15.417% | | Sudowoodo +15.417% | | Parasect +15.417% | | Lickitung +15.417% | | Tentacool +15.417% | | Raticate +14.167% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Stunky | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Aftermath 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Defog 100.000% | | Crunch 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | | Pursuit 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Mankey +46.250% | | Dwebble +46.250% | | Golduck +45.000% | | Wormadam-Trash +43.750% | | Banette +38.750% | | Plusle +36.250% | | Corsola +33.750% | | Emolga +27.500% | | Furfrou +15.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Seviper | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Shed Skin 50.000% | | Infiltrator 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 50.000% | | Expert Belt 16.667% | | Leftovers 16.667% | | Black Sludge 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 50.000% | | Adamant:0/252/4/0/0/252 16.667% | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 16.667% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sludge Bomb 66.667% | | Flamethrower 66.667% | | Giga Drain 66.667% | | Switcheroo 66.667% | | Poison Jab 33.333% | | Earthquake 33.333% | | Sucker Punch 33.333% | | Knock Off 16.667% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pupitar +49.167% | | Noctowl +42.500% | | Gourgeist-Large +38.750% | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Bibarel +28.333% | | Glalie +18.333% | | Croconaw +15.417% | | Butterfree +12.917% | | Mightyena +12.917% | | Golduck +11.667% | | Magcargo +10.417% | | Murkrow +2.917% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Noctowl | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Insomnia 83.333% | | Tinted Lens 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:248/0/8/0/252/0 50.000% | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 33.333% | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Defog 100.000% | | Roost 100.000% | | Night Shade 50.000% | | Whirlwind 50.000% | | Toxic 50.000% | | Air Slash 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Gourgeist-Large +55.417% | | Seviper +42.500% | | Pupitar +32.500% | | Dunsparce +30.833% | | Solrock +29.583% | | Phione +29.583% | | Luxray +28.333% | | Spritzee +15.417% | | Furfrou +15.000% | | Mienfoo +11.250% | | Magcargo +10.417% | | Trubbish +9.167% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Fearow | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 55 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Keen Eye 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Drill Peck 100.000% | | Double-Edge 100.000% | | Defog 100.000% | | U-turn 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Corsola +63.750% | | Heatmor +63.750% | | Gloom +56.250% | | Plusle +46.250% | | Mienfoo +41.250% | | Gourgeist-Large +28.750% | | Maractus +16.250% | | Zweilous +15.000% | | Pupitar +2.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lopunny | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Limber 80.000% | | Klutz 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 60.000% | | Damp Rock 20.000% | | Silk Scarf 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Return 100.000% | | High Jump Kick 80.000% | | Switcheroo 60.000% | | Encore 60.000% | | Rain Dance 20.000% | | Healing Wish 20.000% | | Quick Attack 20.000% | | Fake Out 20.000% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Emolga +57.500% | | Heatmor +43.750% | | Pupitar +42.500% | | Beedrill +41.250% | | Golduck +25.000% | | Frillish +18.750% | | Dedenne +17.500% | | Mightyena +16.250% | | Solrock +16.250% | | Graveler +11.250% | | Volbeat +6.250% | | Beartic +6.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Wailord | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Pressure 80.000% | | Oblivious 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 80.000% | | Careful:252/4/0/0/252/0 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 80.000% | | Substitute 80.000% | | Aqua Ring 80.000% | | Toxic 80.000% | | Curse 20.000% | | Rest 20.000% | | Sleep Talk 20.000% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Gastly +75.000% | | Eelektrik +75.000% | | Glalie +65.000% | | Furfrou +45.000% | | Mienfoo +41.250% | | Dedenne +17.500% | | Bibarel +15.000% | | Magcargo +13.750% | | Banette +8.750% | | Beedrill +1.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Magcargo | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flame Body 80.000% | | Magma Armor 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 40.000% | | White Herb 20.000% | | Lum Berry 20.000% | | Rocky Helmet 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Rash:0/4/0/252/0/252 20.000% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 20.000% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 20.000% | | Bold:248/0/252/4/0/4 20.000% | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Shell Smash 60.000% | | Fire Blast 40.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 40.000% | | Earth Power 40.000% | | Stealth Rock 40.000% | | Lava Plume 40.000% | | Recover 40.000% | | Earthquake 20.000% | | Overheat 20.000% | | Stone Edge 20.000% | | Ancient Power 20.000% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Bibarel +55.000% | | Gourgeist-Large +28.750% | | Croconaw +18.750% | | Stantler +18.750% | | Spritzee +18.750% | | Tentacool +18.750% | | Dedenne +17.500% | | Raticate +17.500% | | Phione +16.250% | | Mightyena +16.250% | | Wailord +13.750% | | Seviper +12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Archen | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Defeatist 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Nothing 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/0/252 80.000% | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Acrobatics 100.000% | | Aqua Tail 100.000% | | Roost 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dusclops +70.000% | | Ariados +68.750% | | Murkrow +66.250% | | Pupitar +62.500% | | Golduck +45.000% | | Gourgeist-Small +15.000% | | Sandshrew +8.750% | | Beedrill +1.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Wormadam-Trash | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Overcoat 60.000% | | Anticipation 40.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/96/0/160/0 60.000% | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 40.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Signal Beam 100.000% | | Protect 60.000% | | Flash Cannon 40.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Stunky +52.500% | | Corsola +43.750% | | Emolga +37.500% | | Wartortle +37.500% | | Maractus +36.250% | | Butterfree +36.250% | | Zweilous +35.000% | | Furfrou +25.000% | | Golduck +5.000% | | Mienfoo +1.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Zweilous | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 46 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Hustle 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/0/4/0/252/0 75.000% | | Careful:252/4/0/0/252/0 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Crunch 100.000% | | Roar 100.000% | | Rest 100.000% | | Sleep Talk 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Maractus +71.250% | | Wartortle +47.500% | | Butterfree +46.250% | | Wormadam-Trash +43.750% | | Gourgeist-Large +38.750% | | Fearow +18.750% | | Trubbish +17.500% | | Graveler +16.250% | | Mienfoo +11.250% | | Corsola +8.750% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Kricketune | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Technician 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Focus Sash 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sticky Web 100.000% | | Taunt 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Bug Bite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Banette +88.750% | | Plusle +86.250% | | Gothitelle +83.750% | | Heatmor +83.750% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Luxray | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Intimidate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 50.000% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Volt Switch 100.000% | | Wild Charge 50.000% | | Ice Fang 50.000% | | Superpower 50.000% | | Thunderbolt 50.000% | | Signal Beam 50.000% | | Hidden Power Ice 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Mienfoo +61.250% | | Dunsparce +47.500% | | Solrock +46.250% | | Phione +46.250% | | Noctowl +42.500% | | Graveler +41.250% | | Heatmor +33.750% | | Beedrill +31.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Bibarel | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Unaware 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Focus Sash 75.000% | | Rocky Helmet 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 50.000% | | Modest:252/0/0/252/4/0 25.000% | | Jolly:252/4/0/0/0/252 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Taunt 75.000% | | Waterfall 75.000% | | Double-Edge 50.000% | | Yawn 25.000% | | Scald 25.000% | | Grass Knot 25.000% | | Thunder Wave 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Magcargo +68.750% | | Seviper +42.500% | | Croconaw +23.750% | | Stantler +23.750% | | Dedenne +22.500% | | Raticate +22.500% | | Butterfree +21.250% | | Mightyena +21.250% | | Phione +21.250% | | Wailord +18.750% | | Banette +13.750% | | Plusle +11.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Glaceon | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 49 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Ice Body 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Never-Melt Ice 50.000% | | Choice Specs 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 100.000% | | Shadow Ball 50.000% | | Ice Shard 50.000% | | Water Pulse 50.000% | | Frost Breath 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Staryu +47.500% | | Chimecho +42.500% | | Dusclops +40.000% | | Ariados +38.750% | | Corsola +33.750% | | Gothitelle +33.750% | | Pupitar +32.500% | | Furfrou +15.000% | | Mienfoo +11.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Gourgeist-Small | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Frisk 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Colbur Berry 75.000% | | Choice Scarf 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 75.000% | | Timid:252/0/0/0/4/252 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Will-O-Wisp 100.000% | | Shadow Ball 75.000% | | Energy Ball 75.000% | | Fire Blast 75.000% | | Trick 25.000% | | Leech Seed 25.000% | | Foul Play 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Graveler +66.250% | | Murkrow +61.250% | | Glalie +60.000% | | Furfrou +40.000% | | Mienfoo +36.250% | | Archen +18.750% | | Sandshrew +13.750% | | Beedrill +6.250% | | Emolga +2.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Gastly | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Black Sludge 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Hex 100.000% | | Substitute 100.000% | | Will-O-Wisp 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Eelektrik +95.000% | | Wailord +93.750% | | Glalie +85.000% | | Furfrou +65.000% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Eelektrik | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Relaxed:252/0/252/4/0/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Discharge 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | U-turn 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Gastly +95.000% | | Wailord +93.750% | | Glalie +85.000% | | Furfrou +65.000% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Maractus | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 35 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Water Absorb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Spikes 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Synthesis 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Zweilous +95.000% | | Wartortle +64.167% | | Butterfree +62.917% | | Wormadam-Trash +60.417% | | Mienfoo +27.917% | | Fearow +27.083% | | Gourgeist-Large +22.083% | | Corsola +17.083% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Gloom | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 55 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Stench 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:248/0/0/0/244/16 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sleep Powder 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Synthesis 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Fearow +93.750% | | Plusle +86.250% | | Corsola +83.750% | | Heatmor +83.750% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Mankey | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 32 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Defiant 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 100.000% | | Close Combat 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Rock Slide 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dwebble +96.250% | | Stunky +92.500% | | Banette +88.750% | | Plusle +86.250% | | Golduck +45.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Dwebble | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 32 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sturdy 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Custap Berry 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Spikes 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Rock Blast 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Mankey +96.250% | | Stunky +92.500% | | Banette +88.750% | | Plusle +86.250% | | Golduck +45.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Tyrunt | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Strong Jaw 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/4/0/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Dragon Dance 100.000% | | Ice Fang 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Ariados +88.750% | | Lampent +88.750% | | Glalie +85.000% | | Omanyte +83.750% | | Gothitelle +83.750% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Mightyena | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 50 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Moxie 66.667% | | Intimidate 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 33.333% | | Black Glasses 33.333% | | Choice Scarf 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 66.667% | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Crunch 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | | Play Rough 66.667% | | Heal Bell 33.333% | | Taunt 33.333% | | Hidden Power Grass 33.333% | | Facade 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Frillish +32.083% | | Tentacool +32.083% | | Furfrou +31.667% | | Dedenne +30.833% | | Solrock +29.583% | | Butterfree +29.583% | | Bibarel +28.333% | | Lopunny +27.083% | | Magcargo +27.083% | | Seviper +25.833% | | Chimecho +25.833% | | Gourgeist-Large +22.083% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Solrock | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 50 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 66.667% | | Colbur Berry 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/0/4/0/252/0 66.667% | | Impish:252/4/252/0/0/0 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Morning Sun 100.000% | | Will-O-Wisp 100.000% | | Rock Slide 66.667% | | Zen Headbutt 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dunsparce +64.167% | | Phione +62.917% | | Luxray +61.667% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | | Noctowl +59.167% | | Frillish +32.083% | | Dedenne +30.833% | | Mightyena +29.583% | | Lopunny +27.083% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Butterfree | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 49 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Tinted Lens 66.667% | | Compound Eyes 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 66.667% | | Modest:48/0/4/252/0/204 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Quiver Dance 100.000% | | Bug Buzz 100.000% | | Sleep Powder 66.667% | | Substitute 66.667% | | Roost 66.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Wartortle +64.167% | | Maractus +62.917% | | Zweilous +61.667% | | Wormadam-Trash +60.417% | | Mightyena +29.583% | | Bibarel +28.333% | | Mienfoo +27.917% | | Seviper +25.833% | | Glalie +18.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Phione | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 42 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Hydration 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 66.667% | | Timid:4/0/0/252/0/252 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 66.667% | | Heal Bell 66.667% | | Rest 66.667% | | Sleep Talk 66.667% | | Surf 33.333% | | Ice Beam 33.333% | | U-turn 33.333% | | Knock Off 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dunsparce +64.167% | | Solrock +62.917% | | Luxray +61.667% | | Noctowl +59.167% | | Stantler +32.083% | | Raticate +30.833% | | Bibarel +28.333% | | Mienfoo +27.917% | | Magcargo +27.083% | | Emolga +10.833% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Raticate | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 48 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Hustle 50.000% | | Guts 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 50.000% | | Flame Orb 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Quick Attack 100.000% | | Return 50.000% | | Pursuit 50.000% | | U-turn 50.000% | | Facade 50.000% | | Crunch 50.000% | | Swords Dance 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sliggoo +48.750% | | Sudowoodo +48.750% | | Stantler +48.750% | | Phione +46.250% | | Bibarel +45.000% | | Magcargo +43.750% | | Chimecho +42.500% | | Emolga +27.500% | | Mienfoo +11.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Dedenne | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 50 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Cheek Pouch 50.000% | | Pickup 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Sitrus Berry 50.000% | | Choice Specs 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 50.000% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Volt Switch 100.000% | | Nuzzle 50.000% | | Super Fang 50.000% | | Play Rough 50.000% | | Thunderbolt 50.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 50.000% | | U-turn 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Frillish +48.750% | | Mightyena +46.250% | | Solrock +46.250% | | Bibarel +45.000% | | Wailord +43.750% | | Magcargo +43.750% | | Lopunny +43.750% | | Banette +38.750% | | Beedrill +31.250% | | Mienfoo +11.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Staryu | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 48 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Natural Cure 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:248/0/8/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 100.000% | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Recover 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Glaceon +95.000% | | Chimecho +92.500% | | Corsola +83.750% | | Furfrou +65.000% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Wartortle | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 30 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Torrent 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Scald 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Maractus +96.250% | | Butterfree +96.250% | | Zweilous +95.000% | | Wormadam-Trash +93.750% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Dunsparce | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 42 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Serene Grace 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Substitute 100.000% | | Roost 100.000% | | Ancient Power 100.000% | | Ice Beam 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Solrock +96.250% | | Phione +96.250% | | Luxray +95.000% | | Noctowl +92.500% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Sliggoo | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 48 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Hydration 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:208/0/4/252/0/44 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Draco Meteor 100.000% | | Thunderbolt 100.000% | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Rest 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sudowoodo +98.750% | | Raticate +97.500% | | Chimecho +92.500% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | | Golduck +45.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Sudowoodo | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 48 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Rock Head 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Rocky Helmet 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:208/252/0/0/0/48 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Wood Hammer 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sliggoo +98.750% | | Raticate +97.500% | | Chimecho +92.500% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | | Golduck +45.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Parasect | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 44 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Dry Skin 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:248/0/8/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Aromatherapy 100.000% | | Synthesis 100.000% | | Seed Bomb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Lickitung +98.750% | | Trubbish +92.500% | | Chimecho +92.500% | | Dusclops +90.000% | | Sandshrew +88.750% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lickitung | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 44 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Oblivious 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:248/8/0/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Wish 100.000% | | Protect 100.000% | | Seismic Toss 100.000% | | Dragon Tail 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Parasect +98.750% | | Trubbish +92.500% | | Chimecho +92.500% | | Dusclops +90.000% | | Sandshrew +88.750% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Masquerain | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Intimidate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/4/0/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Roost 100.000% | | Air Slash 100.000% | | Sticky Web 100.000% | | Scald 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Natu +98.750% | | Girafarig +98.750% | | Banette +88.750% | | Beedrill +81.250% | | Emolga +77.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Natu | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Magic Bounce 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eject Button 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:248/0/252/8/0/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Roost 100.000% | | Haze 100.000% | | Heat Wave 100.000% | | Night Shade 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Masquerain +98.750% | | Girafarig +98.750% | | Banette +88.750% | | Beedrill +81.250% | | Emolga +77.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Girafarig | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sap Sipper 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Colbur Berry 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Nasty Plot 100.000% | | Psychic 100.000% | | Hyper Voice 100.000% | | Thunderbolt 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Masquerain +98.750% | | Natu +98.750% | | Banette +88.750% | | Beedrill +81.250% | | Emolga +77.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Frillish | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 50 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Water Absorb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Night Shade 100.000% | | Will-O-Wisp 100.000% | | Recover 100.000% | | Taunt 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dedenne +97.500% | | Mightyena +96.250% | | Solrock +96.250% | | Lopunny +93.750% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Croconaw | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sheer Force 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/0/64 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Dragon Dance 100.000% | | Waterfall 100.000% | | Ice Punch 100.000% | | Crunch 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Bibarel +95.000% | | Magcargo +93.750% | | Seviper +92.500% | | Plusle +86.250% | | Gothitelle +83.750% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Stantler | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 31 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Intimidate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Naughty:0/252/0/4/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Double-Edge 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Shadow Ball 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Raticate +97.500% | | Phione +96.250% | | Bibarel +95.000% | | Magcargo +93.750% | | Emolga +77.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Spritzee | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Aroma Veil 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:248/0/0/8/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Aromatherapy 100.000% | | Wish 100.000% | | Protect 100.000% | | Moonblast 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Magcargo +93.750% | | Noctowl +92.500% | | Trubbish +92.500% | | Gourgeist-Large +88.750% | | Mienfoo +61.250% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Tentacool | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 40 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Liquid Ooze 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Relaxed:252/0/252/4/0/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Scald 100.000% | | Rest 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Mightyena +96.250% | | Magcargo +93.750% | | Chimecho +92.500% | | Gourgeist-Large +88.750% | | Furfrou +65.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+