+----------------------------------------+ | Seel | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 36 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rest 100.000% | | Surf 94.444% | | Sleep Talk 91.667% | | Body Slam 75.000% | | Curse 13.889% | | Ice Beam 8.333% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dratini +9.058% | | Pidgeotto +4.831% | | Kabuto +3.865% | | Mankey +3.019% | | Mareep +1.932% | | Rattata +1.812% | | Bulbasaur +1.812% | | Venonat +1.812% | | Ledyba +1.208% | | Charmander +1.208% | | Ekans +0.604% | | Spearow +0.604% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Teddiursa | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 34 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 94.118% | | Mint Berry 5.882% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rest 100.000% | | Curse 94.118% | | Return 91.176% | | Sleep Talk 85.294% | | Earthquake 20.588% | | Other 8.824% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Smoochum +14.194% | | Butterfree +7.673% | | Dratini +5.627% | | Goldeen +4.604% | | Nidorino +4.348% | | Mareep +4.220% | | Rattata +2.302% | | Ledyba +1.535% | | Charmander +1.535% | | Natu +0.895% | | Skiploom +0.767% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Pidgeotto | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 31 | | Viability Ceiling: 59 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Double-Edge 90.323% | | Rest 90.323% | | Sleep Talk 83.871% | | Curse 67.742% | | Hidden Power Grass 48.387% | | Other 19.355% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Nidorino +18.864% | | Seel +5.610% | | Kabuto +5.119% | | Bulbasaur +3.156% | | Venonat +3.156% | | Dratini +2.875% | | Mankey +2.034% | | Parasect +1.683% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Smoochum | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 30 | | Viability Ceiling: 59 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 80.000% | | Twisted Spoon 10.000% | | Nothing 10.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Psychic 100.000% | | Shadow Ball 76.667% | | Hidden Power Electric 70.000% | | Nightmare 16.667% | | Dream Eater 10.000% | | Hidden Power Dark 10.000% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Teddiursa +16.087% | | Butterfree +11.594% | | Dratini +10.725% | | Goldeen +6.957% | | Nidorino +4.348% | | Rattata +3.478% | | Natu +2.464% | | Skiploom +1.159% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Nidorino | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 21 | | Viability Ceiling: 57 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 57.143% | | Nothing 42.857% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Morning Sun 100.000% | | Return 71.429% | | Curse 42.857% | | Double Kick 42.857% | | Thief 42.857% | | Thunder 33.333% | | Ice Beam 33.333% | | Hidden Power Rock 14.286% | | Other 19.048% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pidgeotto +27.847% | | Dratini +10.248% | | Teddiursa +7.039% | | Smoochum +6.211% | | Goldeen +1.242% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Parasect | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 20 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Spore 65.000% | | Giga Drain 45.000% | | Synthesis 45.000% | | Hidden Power Bug 40.000% | | Swords Dance 40.000% | | Return 30.000% | | Stun Spore 25.000% | | Growth 25.000% | | Body Slam 20.000% | | Rest 15.000% | | Sleep Talk 15.000% | | Hidden Power Ice 15.000% | | Curse 10.000% | | Other 10.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sandshrew +22.609% | | Growlithe +19.783% | | Mareep +18.044% | | Natu +9.130% | | Ledyba +5.652% | | Charmander +5.652% | | Pidgeotto +2.609% | | Kabuto +1.087% | | Yanma +0.652% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Mareep | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 17 | | Viability Ceiling: 59 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rest 100.000% | | Sleep Talk 100.000% | | Hidden Power Ice 88.235% | | Thunder 64.706% | | Thunderbolt 35.294% | | Other 11.765% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Parasect +21.228% | | Teddiursa +8.440% | | Natu +6.777% | | Seel +4.092% | | Dratini +2.685% | | Growlithe +2.430% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Dratini | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 15 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Extreme Speed 100.000% | | Surf 100.000% | | Thunderbolt 86.667% | | Fire Blast 86.667% | | Curse 13.333% | | Other 13.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Seel +21.739% | | Smoochum +21.449% | | Nidorino +14.348% | | Teddiursa +12.754% | | Pidgeotto +5.942% | | Mareep +3.044% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Kabuto | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 11 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Surf 72.727% | | Ancient Power 72.727% | | Ice Beam 72.727% | | Giga Drain 63.636% | | Hidden Power Rock 27.273% | | Curse 27.273% | | Thief 27.273% | | Rest 27.273% | | Other 9.091% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Bulbasaur +20.751% | | Venonat +20.751% | | Mankey +16.403% | | Pidgeotto +14.427% | | Seel +12.648% | | Yanma +4.743% | | Parasect +1.976% | | Sandshrew +0.791% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Butterfree | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 10 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Miracle Berry 90.000% | | Leftovers 10.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sleep Powder 100.000% | | Psychic 100.000% | | Nightmare 60.000% | | Stun Spore 60.000% | | Rest 30.000% | | Hidden Power Electric 30.000% | | Hidden Power Bug 10.000% | | Other 10.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Goldeen +46.957% | | Smoochum +34.783% | | Teddiursa +26.087% | | Rattata +23.478% | | Skiploom +7.826% | | Yanma +5.652% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Sandshrew | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 8 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 87.500% | | Nothing 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Rock Slide 100.000% | | Swords Dance 87.500% | | Counter 37.500% | | Substitute 25.000% | | Body Slam 25.000% | | Hidden Power Bug 12.500% | | Other 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Parasect +56.522% | | Growlithe +22.283% | | Ledyba +20.652% | | Charmander +20.652% | | Yanma +8.152% | | Kabuto +1.087% | | Mareep +0.544% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Growlithe | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 7 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 57.143% | | Charcoal 42.857% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Crunch 85.714% | | Rest 57.143% | | Sleep Talk 57.143% | | Fire Blast 57.143% | | Flamethrower 42.857% | | Sunny Day 42.857% | | Hidden Power Grass 42.857% | | Other 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Parasect +56.522% | | Natu +46.273% | | Sandshrew +25.466% | | Yanma +9.938% | | Mareep +5.901% | | Mankey +3.416% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Goldeen | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Polkadot Bow 83.333% | | Leftovers 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Swords Dance 100.000% | | Agility 100.000% | | Flail 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Butterfree +78.261% | | Rattata +43.478% | | Smoochum +34.783% | | Teddiursa +26.087% | | Nidorino +4.348% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Natu | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Nothing 60.000% | | Miracle Berry 20.000% | | Leftovers 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Psychic 100.000% | | Thief 80.000% | | Giga Drain 60.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 60.000% | | Rest 40.000% | | Drill Peck 40.000% | | Sleep Talk 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Growlithe +64.783% | | Parasect +36.522% | | Mareep +23.044% | | Skiploom +17.826% | | Yanma +15.652% | | Smoochum +14.783% | | Mankey +9.130% | | Teddiursa +6.087% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Mankey | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Cross Chop 100.000% | | Double-Edge 80.000% | | Substitute 80.000% | | Meditate 60.000% | | Rock Slide 40.000% | | Rest 20.000% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Bulbasaur +53.478% | | Venonat +53.478% | | Kabuto +36.087% | | Seel +21.739% | | Ekans +17.826% | | Spearow +17.826% | | Phanpy +17.826% | | Snubbull +17.826% | | Pidgeotto +12.609% | | Natu +9.130% | | Growlithe +4.783% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Rattata | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Polkadot Bow 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Quick Attack 100.000% | | Super Fang 100.000% | | Double-Edge 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Goldeen +86.957% | | Butterfree +78.261% | | Smoochum +34.783% | | Teddiursa +26.087% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Bulbasaur | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Growth 100.000% | | Hidden Power Ice 100.000% | | Razor Leaf 100.000% | | Synthesis 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Venonat +93.478% | | Mankey +89.130% | | Kabuto +76.087% | | Pidgeotto +32.609% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Venonat | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Curse 100.000% | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Rest 100.000% | | Sleep Talk 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Bulbasaur +93.478% | | Mankey +89.130% | | Kabuto +76.087% | | Pidgeotto +32.609% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Ledyba | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Miracle Berry 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Agility 100.000% | | Baton Pass 100.000% | | Barrier 100.000% | | Light Screen 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Charmander +95.652% | | Sandshrew +82.609% | | Parasect +56.522% | | Teddiursa +26.087% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Charmander | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Miracle Berry 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Belly Drum 100.000% | | Return 100.000% | | Hidden Power Ground 100.000% | | Flamethrower 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Ledyba +95.652% | | Sandshrew +82.609% | | Parasect +56.522% | | Teddiursa +26.087% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Yanma | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Miracle Berry 50.000% | | Nothing 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Hidden Power Bug 100.000% | | Wing Attack 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Thief 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Skiploom +47.826% | | Natu +39.130% | | Growlithe +34.783% | | Sandshrew +32.609% | | Butterfree +28.261% | | Kabuto +26.087% | | Parasect +6.522% | | Nidorino +4.348% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Skiploom | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Hidden Power Flying 100.000% | | Leech Seed 100.000% | | Encore 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Yanma +95.652% | | Natu +89.130% | | Butterfree +78.261% | | Smoochum +34.783% | | Teddiursa +26.087% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Ekans | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Curse 100.000% | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Rest 100.000% | | Sleep Talk 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Spearow +97.826% | | Phanpy +97.826% | | Snubbull +97.826% | | Mankey +89.130% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Spearow | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Double-Edge 100.000% | | Drill Peck 100.000% | | Quick Attack 100.000% | | Substitute 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Ekans +97.826% | | Phanpy +97.826% | | Snubbull +97.826% | | Mankey +89.130% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Phanpy | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Rest 100.000% | | Sleep Talk 100.000% | | Ancient Power 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Ekans +97.826% | | Spearow +97.826% | | Snubbull +97.826% | | Mankey +89.130% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Snubbull | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Ability 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Serious:252/252/252/252/252/252 100.000%| +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rest 100.000% | | Sleep Talk 100.000% | | Return 100.000% | | Curse 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Ekans +97.826% | | Spearow +97.826% | | Phanpy +97.826% | | Mankey +89.130% | | Seel +21.739% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+