+----------------------------------------+ | Vanilluxe | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 28 | | Viability Ceiling: 70 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Weak Armor 60.714% | | Ice Body 39.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Specs 75.000% | | Life Orb 10.714% | | Choice Scarf 10.714% | | Other 3.571% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 28.571% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 25.000% | | Modest:0/0/4/252/0/252 14.286% | | Timid:0/0/72/252/0/184 10.714% | | Timid:0/0/4/252/0/252 10.714% | | Modest:24/0/0/252/0/232 3.571% | | Other 7.143% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Flash Cannon 82.143% | | Blizzard 50.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 42.857% | | Water Pulse 32.143% | | Hidden Power Electric 32.143% | | Hidden Power Ground 17.857% | | Explosion 17.857% | | Ice Shard 14.286% | | Other 10.714% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Lopunny +34.170% | | Drilbur +17.278% | | Vullaby +14.189% | | Graveler +11.100% | | Octillery +7.046% | | Abra +4.826% | | Phione +4.826% | | Grotle +4.440% | | Meditite +4.440% | | Lileep +3.957% | | Swalot +3.861% | | Sudowoodo +3.861% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Fearow | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 25 | | Viability Ceiling: 71 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sniper 80.000% | | Keen Eye 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Band 76.000% | | Leftovers 12.000% | | Choice Scarf 8.000% | | Other 4.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 96.000% | | Drill Run 96.000% | | Drill Peck 92.000% | | Return 84.000% | | Roost 16.000% | | Other 16.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Luxray +24.973% | | Magmar +19.838% | | Hypno +19.568% | | Corsola +13.027% | | Pignite +9.027% | | Seviper +6.486% | | Squirtle +5.297% | | Palpitoad +3.946% | | Eelektrik +3.784% | | Chimecho +3.784% | | Weepinbell +2.649% | | Beedrill +2.649% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Hypno | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 24 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Forewarn 75.000% | | Insomnia 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 37.500% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 33.333% | | Bold:252/0/176/0/0/80 12.500% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 4.167% | | Timid:252/0/0/16/0/240 4.167% | | Timid:252/0/0/0/4/252 4.167% | | Other 4.167% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Psychic 62.500% | | Wish 58.333% | | Protect 58.333% | | Substitute 41.667% | | Psyshock 33.333% | | Calm Mind 33.333% | | Nasty Plot 25.000% | | Thunder Wave 20.833% | | Focus Blast 20.833% | | Signal Beam 20.833% | | Toxic 12.500% | | Other 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Luxray +22.973% | | Fearow +20.383% | | Magcargo +19.932% | | Seviper +19.820% | | Croconaw +12.838% | | Pineco +11.486% | | Togetic +8.446% | | Swalot +7.432% | | Plusle +4.730% | | Eelektrik +4.617% | | Magmar +4.504% | | Palpitoad +4.279% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Luxray | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 20 | | Viability Ceiling: 71 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Intimidate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 60.000% | | Leftovers 25.000% | | Rocky Helmet 15.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 55.000% | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 15.000% | | Careful:252/4/152/0/100/0 15.000% | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 10.000% | | Other 5.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Volt Switch 100.000% | | Thunderbolt 75.000% | | Hidden Power Ice 70.000% | | Signal Beam 30.000% | | Toxic 25.000% | | Superpower 15.000% | | Rest 15.000% | | Sleep Talk 15.000% | | Roar 15.000% | | Thunder Wave 15.000% | | Wild Charge 10.000% | | Other 15.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Fearow +31.216% | | Hypno +27.568% | | Drilbur +25.135% | | Eelektrik +13.784% | | Magmar +12.838% | | Corsola +12.027% | | Lunatone +8.243% | | Lileep +8.243% | | Pignite +7.027% | | Seviper +6.486% | | Beedrill +3.649% | | Dewgong +3.649% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Pignite | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 17 | | Viability Ceiling: 71 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Blaze 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 41.176% | | Choice Band 41.176% | | Eviolite 17.647% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:32/224/0/0/0/252 23.529% | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 23.529% | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 17.647% | | Adamant:248/252/0/0/8/0 17.647% | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 11.765% | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 5.882% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Flare Blitz 100.000% | | Superpower 88.235% | | Thunder Punch 64.706% | | Stone Edge 58.824% | | Wild Charge 29.412% | | Head Smash 17.647% | | Rock Slide 17.647% | | Brick Break 11.765% | | Other 11.765% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Octillery +18.601% | | Lileep +16.773% | | Gloom +15.421% | | Fearow +13.275% | | Sudowoodo +11.844% | | Gastly +11.367% | | Squirtle +9.062% | | Luxray +8.267% | | Lickitung +5.008% | | Bellossom +4.531% | | Timburr +4.531% | | Servine +4.531% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Corsola | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 17 | | Viability Ceiling: 71 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Regenerator 94.118% | | Hustle 5.882% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Rocky Helmet 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 52.941% | | Bold:252/0/252/4/0/0 17.647% | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 11.765% | | Impish:252/4/252/0/0/0 5.882% | | Relaxed:252/4/156/0/48/0 5.882% | | Bold:240/0/252/0/0/16 5.882% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Recover 94.118% | | Toxic 94.118% | | Scald 94.118% | | Stealth Rock 82.353% | | Power Gem 17.647% | | Other 17.647% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Fearow +19.157% | | Leavanny +18.601% | | Swalot +17.727% | | Luxray +14.149% | | Seviper +10.016% | | Grotle +9.062% | | Vullaby +6.836% | | Seaking +5.485% | | Lickitung +5.008% | | Golett +4.531% | | Timburr +4.531% | | Cherrim +4.531% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lopunny | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 17 | | Viability Ceiling: 70 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Limber 88.235% | | Cute Charm 11.765% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 58.824% | | Silk Scarf 23.529% | | Damp Rock 11.765% | | Choice Band 5.882% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 94.118% | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 5.882% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Return 100.000% | | Jump Kick 64.706% | | Healing Wish 64.706% | | Fake Out 52.941% | | Fire Punch 35.294% | | Heal Bell 35.294% | | Thunder Wave 23.529% | | Rain Dance 11.765% | | Other 11.765% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Vanilluxe +56.280% | | Octillery +18.601% | | Graveler +16.773% | | Drilbur +14.547% | | Abra +14.070% | | Phione +14.070% | | Vullaby +12.719% | | Lunatone +10.890% | | Gloom +9.539% | | Grotle +9.062% | | Beartic +7.711% | | Illumise +7.711% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Plusle | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 15 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Plus 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Salac Berry 73.333% | | Life Orb 20.000% | | Leftovers 6.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Thunderbolt 100.000% | | Hidden Power Ice 100.000% | | Nasty Plot 100.000% | | Substitute 73.333% | | Encore 6.667% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pineco +53.153% | | Magcargo +49.099% | | Croconaw +27.838% | | Seviper +26.486% | | Gastly +21.171% | | Stantler +19.910% | | Grovyle +17.207% | | Hypno +7.568% | | Wailord +5.315% | | Lampent +5.315% | | Nidorino +5.315% | | Poliwhirl +5.315% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Swalot | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 13 | | Viability Ceiling: 59 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sticky Hold 53.846% | | Liquid Ooze 46.154% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Black Sludge 76.923% | | Leftovers 23.077% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/0/4 46.154% | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 23.077% | | Relaxed:252/0/252/4/0/0 15.385% | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 7.692% | | Adamant:8/252/0/0/248/0 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Gunk Shot 92.308% | | Earthquake 92.308% | | Substitute 69.231% | | Ice Punch 46.154% | | Rest 23.077% | | Encore 23.077% | | Giga Drain 15.385% | | Block 7.692% | | Amnesia 7.692% | | Sludge 7.692% | | Other 15.385% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Seaking +33.992% | | Corsola +23.181% | | Togetic +19.023% | | Hypno +13.721% | | Phione +13.617% | | Grotle +12.682% | | Vullaby +12.266% | | Leavanny +12.266% | | Magmar +10.915% | | Vanilluxe +8.316% | | Sandshrew +7.277% | | Eelektrik +6.861% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Sudowoodo | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 13 | | Viability Ceiling: 69 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Rock Head 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 84.615% | | Custap Berry 7.692% | | Rocky Helmet 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:212/252/0/0/0/44 69.231% | | Adamant:248/252/0/0/8/0 15.385% | | Adamant:248/252/0/0/0/8 7.692% | | Adamant:160/220/0/0/0/128 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Wood Hammer 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 92.308% | | Stealth Rock 76.923% | | Earthquake 23.077% | | Other 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Octillery +19.958% | | Togetic +19.023% | | Seaking +18.607% | | Pignite +15.489% | | Mightyena +14.969% | | Gloom +14.969% | | Eelektrik +14.553% | | Dunsparce +13.617% | | Phione +13.617% | | Meditite +12.682% | | Vanilluxe +8.316% | | Lopunny +7.796% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Magcargo | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 13 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flame Body 92.308% | | Weak Armor 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Air Balloon 84.615% | | Leftovers 15.385% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 76.923% | | Bold:252/0/252/4/0/0 15.385% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 7.692% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Shell Smash 84.615% | | Hidden Power Grass 84.615% | | Flamethrower 76.923% | | Earth Power 76.923% | | Lava Plume 15.385% | | Toxic 15.385% | | Stealth Rock 15.385% | | Recover 15.385% | | Other 15.385% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pineco +63.410% | | Plusle +56.653% | | Hypno +36.798% | | Croconaw +33.992% | | Gastly +26.299% | | Seviper +24.948% | | Stantler +24.012% | | Grovyle +21.310% | | Palpitoad +11.331% | | Exploud +3.638% | | Drilbur +0.520% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Eelektrik | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 12 | | Viability Ceiling: 70 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Relaxed:244/0/252/0/0/12 33.333% | | Sassy:252/0/4/0/252/0 25.000% | | Relaxed:248/0/236/0/0/24 16.667% | | Relaxed:232/0/252/0/0/24 16.667% | | Quiet:252/0/0/252/4/0 8.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Super Fang 100.000% | | U-turn 91.667% | | Discharge 83.333% | | Knock Off 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Luxray +22.973% | | Sudowoodo +15.766% | | Dunsparce +15.540% | | Meditite +13.964% | | Magmar +12.838% | | Drilbur +10.135% | | Lunatone +9.910% | | Hypno +9.234% | | Mightyena +8.559% | | Fearow +7.883% | | Swalot +7.432% | | Clamperl +6.982% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Chimecho | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 12 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 91.667% | | Light Clay 8.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/4/0/0 50.000% | | Timid:252/0/0/4/0/252 8.333% | | Timid:252/0/4/0/0/252 8.333% | | Bold:252/0/156/0/0/100 8.333% | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 8.333% | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 8.333% | | Other 8.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Recover 91.667% | | Psychic 91.667% | | Heal Bell 58.333% | | Healing Wish 41.667% | | Signal Beam 33.333% | | Calm Mind 25.000% | | Thunder Wave 16.667% | | Toxic 16.667% | | Reflect 8.333% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dunsparce +32.207% | | Leavanny +22.523% | | Pupitar +19.595% | | Meditite +13.964% | | Lickitung +9.910% | | Sandshrew +8.559% | | Fearow +7.883% | | Sudowoodo +7.432% | | Bellossom +6.982% | | Lampent +6.982% | | Marshtomp +6.982% | | Granbull +5.631% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Drilbur | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 11 | | Viability Ceiling: 70 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Mold Breaker 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/4/0/0/252 36.364% | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 27.273% | | Jolly:252/0/0/0/4/252 18.182% | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 18.182% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Rock Slide 100.000% | | Swords Dance 45.455% | | X-Scissor 36.364% | | Other 18.182% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Luxray +45.700% | | Vanilluxe +43.980% | | Lopunny +22.482% | | Lileep +20.516% | | Grotle +15.479% | | Gastly +15.111% | | Palpitoad +14.128% | | Lunatone +11.425% | | Eelektrik +11.057% | | Koffing +7.740% | | Girafarig +6.388% | | Archen +6.388% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Seviper | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 10 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Shed Skin 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Black Sludge 50.000% | | Leftovers 40.000% | | Choice Scarf 10.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 50.000% | | Careful:248/0/0/0/120/140 30.000% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 10.000% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 10.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Coil 80.000% | | Poison Jab 80.000% | | Sucker Punch 80.000% | | Earthquake 80.000% | | Flamethrower 20.000% | | Giga Drain 20.000% | | Glare 10.000% | | Sludge Wave 10.000% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Hypno +47.568% | | Plusle +39.730% | | Croconaw +37.838% | | Pineco +36.486% | | Magcargo +32.432% | | Corsola +17.027% | | Fearow +16.216% | | Luxray +12.973% | | Mightyena +11.892% | | Pignite +7.027% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Pineco | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 10 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sturdy 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Custap Berry 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:252/4/0/0/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Spikes 100.000% | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Explosion 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Magcargo +82.432% | | Plusle +79.730% | | Croconaw +47.838% | | Gastly +37.838% | | Seviper +36.486% | | Stantler +33.243% | | Grovyle +30.541% | | Hypno +27.568% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Gastly | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 71 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 55.556% | | Choice Scarf 33.333% | | Black Sludge 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Shadow Ball 100.000% | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Substitute 66.667% | | Pain Split 55.556% | | Destiny Bond 44.444% | | Trick 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pineco +42.042% | | Magcargo +37.988% | | Stantler +37.688% | | Plusle +35.285% | | Grovyle +34.985% | | Lileep +26.577% | | Pignite +21.471% | | Drilbur +18.468% | | Bellossom +9.760% | | Luxray +6.306% | | Dunsparce +1.652% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Seaking | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Lightning Rod 88.889% | | Swift Swim 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 66.667% | | Life Orb 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 33.333% | | Relaxed:252/0/240/0/0/16 33.333% | | Sassy:252/0/0/0/240/16 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Drill Run 100.000% | | Toxic 77.778% | | Scald 66.667% | | Protect 66.667% | | Megahorn 33.333% | | Waterfall 33.333% | | Agility 22.222% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Swalot +49.099% | | Togetic +29.279% | | Sudowoodo +26.877% | | Phione +23.874% | | Vullaby +22.523% | | Leavanny +22.523% | | Dunsparce +12.763% | | Corsola +10.360% | | Bellossom +9.760% | | Granbull +8.408% | | Illumise +7.057% | | Beartic +7.057% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Magmar | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 68 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flame Body 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 55.556% | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 11.111% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 11.111% | | Timid:252/0/112/0/0/144 11.111% | | Modest:252/0/0/252/4/0 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Substitute 88.889% | | Fire Blast 88.889% | | Hidden Power Grass 55.556% | | Focus Blast 44.444% | | Will-O-Wisp 33.333% | | Toxic 33.333% | | Hidden Power Water 33.333% | | Rest 11.111% | | Other 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Fearow +55.105% | | Luxray +28.529% | | Eelektrik +17.117% | | Swalot +15.766% | | Sandshrew +14.114% | | Hypno +12.012% | | Weepinbell +9.760% | | Marshtomp +9.760% | | Cherrim +9.760% | | Seadra +8.408% | | Squirtle +8.408% | | Illumise +7.057% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Croconaw | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 9 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Torrent 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/0/4 66.667% | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 22.222% | | Adamant:156/252/0/0/0/100 11.111% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Swords Dance 100.000% | | Aqua Jet 100.000% | | Waterfall 100.000% | | Return 77.778% | | Ice Punch 22.222% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pineco +53.153% | | Magcargo +49.099% | | Plusle +46.396% | | Seviper +42.042% | | Hypno +34.234% | | Granbull +8.408% | | Girafarig +8.408% | | Beartic +7.057% | | Illumise +7.057% | | Stantler +4.354% | | Sandshrew +3.003% | | Gloom +3.003% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Octillery | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 8 | | Viability Ceiling: 67 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sniper 75.000% | | Suction Cups 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 87.500% | | Choice Scarf 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:248/0/0/0/252/8 50.000% | | Modest:252/0/0/252/4/0 25.000% | | Modest:248/0/0/252/0/8 12.500% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Energy Ball 100.000% | | Scald 87.500% | | Thunder Wave 50.000% | | Protect 50.000% | | Ice Beam 37.500% | | Substitute 37.500% | | Surf 12.500% | | Fire Blast 12.500% | | Other 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pignite +39.527% | | Lopunny +39.527% | | Sudowoodo +32.432% | | Gloom +29.392% | | Vanilluxe +24.662% | | Servine +11.149% | | Kecleon +9.797% | | Beartic +8.446% | | Illumise +8.446% | | Pupitar +7.095% | | Lileep +5.743% | | Mightyena +4.392% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Leavanny | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 8 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swarm 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 75.000% | | Bug Gem 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Leaf Blade 100.000% | | X-Scissor 100.000% | | Swords Dance 100.000% | | Substitute 62.500% | | Rest 25.000% | | Other 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Corsola +39.527% | | Chimecho +33.784% | | Vullaby +26.689% | | Seaking +25.338% | | Swalot +19.932% | | Pupitar +19.595% | | Vanilluxe +12.162% | | Lampent +11.149% | | Nidorino +11.149% | | Poliwhirl +11.149% | | Kecleon +9.797% | | Lunatone +5.743% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Vullaby | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 8 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Weak Armor 50.000% | | Overcoat 37.500% | | Big Pecks 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:248/0/252/0/8/0 50.000% | | Timid:4/0/0/252/0/252 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 87.500% | | Foul Play 50.000% | | Roost 50.000% | | Nasty Plot 50.000% | | Air Slash 50.000% | | Dark Pulse 50.000% | | Knock Off 37.500% | | Toxic 12.500% | | Other 12.500% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Vanilluxe +49.662% | | Graveler +43.243% | | Abra +40.541% | | Phione +40.541% | | Lopunny +27.027% | | Leavanny +26.689% | | Seaking +25.338% | | Swalot +19.932% | | Corsola +14.527% | | Squirtle +9.797% | | Dunsparce +3.041% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Dunsparce | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 7 | | Viability Ceiling: 61 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Serene Grace 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/4/0/0/252/0 71.429% | | Impish:252/4/252/0/0/0 14.286% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Roost 100.000% | | Body Slam 85.714% | | Stealth Rock 85.714% | | Coil 57.143% | | Earthquake 28.571% | | Rock Slide 14.286% | | Thunder 14.286% | | Other 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Chimecho +55.212% | | Eelektrik +26.641% | | Meditite +25.869% | | Sudowoodo +25.290% | | Seaking +16.409% | | Bellossom +12.934% | | Clamperl +12.934% | | Squirtle +11.583% | | Illumise +10.232% | | Beartic +10.232% | | Lickitung +7.529% | | Sandshrew +6.178% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Grovyle | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 7 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Unburden 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Flying Gem 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Acrobatics 100.000% | | Leaf Blade 100.000% | | Swords Dance 100.000% | | Rock Slide 57.143% | | Drain Punch 28.571% | | Other 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Stantler +50.386% | | Gastly +44.981% | | Pineco +43.629% | | Magcargo +39.575% | | Plusle +36.873% | | Golett +12.934% | | Granbull +11.583% | | Girafarig +11.583% | | Squirtle +11.583% | | Lileep +7.529% | | Lunatone +7.529% | | Sandshrew +6.178% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Abra | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 7 | | Viability Ceiling: 57 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Magic Guard 85.714% | | Synchronize 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Focus Sash 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Hasty:0/4/0/252/0/252 57.143% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 42.857% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Psychic 100.000% | | Shadow Ball 100.000% | | Signal Beam 57.143% | | Knock Off 57.143% | | Thunder Wave 28.571% | | Energy Ball 28.571% | | Taunt 14.286% | | Other 14.286% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Graveler +50.386% | | Phione +47.683% | | Vullaby +46.332% | | Lopunny +34.170% | | Vanilluxe +19.305% | | Golett +12.934% | | Timburr +12.934% | | Palpitoad +10.232% | | Exploud +10.232% | | Fearow +9.073% | | Lileep +7.529% | | Lickitung +7.529% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Phione | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 7 | | Viability Ceiling: 57 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Hydration 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 57.143% | | Choice Scarf 42.857% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:92/0/88/168/160/0 57.143% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 42.857% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 100.000% | | U-turn 100.000% | | Knock Off 57.143% | | Heal Bell 57.143% | | Ice Beam 42.857% | | Hidden Power Grass 42.857% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Graveler +50.386% | | Abra +47.683% | | Vullaby +46.332% | | Togetic +38.803% | | Lopunny +34.170% | | Seaking +30.695% | | Sudowoodo +25.290% | | Swalot +25.290% | | Vanilluxe +19.305% | | Hypno +10.425% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Sandshrew | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sand Rush 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Impish:248/0/252/0/8/0 33.333% | | Careful:252/4/0/0/252/0 33.333% | | Careful:252/0/4/0/252/0 16.667% | | Adamant:248/252/0/0/8/0 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 33.333% | | Rest 16.667% | | Night Slash 16.667% | | Shadow Claw 16.667% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Seadra +30.631% | | Lickitung +26.577% | | Mightyena +25.225% | | Magmar +21.171% | | Chimecho +17.117% | | Swalot +15.766% | | Weepinbell +15.315% | | Cherrim +15.315% | | Granbull +13.964% | | Girafarig +13.964% | | Shelmet +13.964% | | Archen +13.964% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Mightyena | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 69 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Moxie 83.333% | | Intimidate 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 50.000% | | Choice Scarf 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 66.667% | | Adamant:200/252/0/0/0/56 16.667% | | Adamant:0/252/4/0/0/252 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | | Crunch 100.000% | | Taunt 50.000% | | Return 50.000% | | Ice Fang 33.333% | | Facade 16.667% | | Fire Fang 16.667% | | Substitute 16.667% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sudowoodo +32.432% | | Sandshrew +25.225% | | Seviper +19.820% | | Eelektrik +17.117% | | Clamperl +15.315% | | Shelmet +13.964% | | Archen +13.964% | | Seadra +13.964% | | Stantler +9.910% | | Lickitung +9.910% | | Dunsparce +7.207% | | Octillery +5.856% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Gloom | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 6 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Chlorophyll 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:248/0/252/0/8/0 83.333% | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Synthesis 83.333% | | Stun Spore 66.667% | | Moonlight 16.667% | | Leech Seed 16.667% | | Other 16.667% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pignite +43.694% | | Octillery +39.189% | | Sudowoodo +32.432% | | Pupitar +27.928% | | Lopunny +27.027% | | Lickitung +26.577% | | Marshtomp +15.315% | | Granbull +13.964% | | Girafarig +13.964% | | Vanilluxe +12.162% | | Sandshrew +8.559% | | Grovyle +7.207% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lileep | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 58 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Storm Drain 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 60.000% | | Calm:248/0/0/8/252/0 20.000% | | Sassy:248/8/0/0/252/0 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Recover 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 80.000% | | Rock Slide 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pignite +57.027% | | Gastly +47.838% | | Drilbur +45.135% | | Luxray +32.973% | | Vanilluxe +22.162% | | Golett +18.649% | | Grovyle +10.541% | | Abra +10.541% | | Octillery +9.189% | | Fearow +6.216% | | Eelektrik +3.784% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lunatone | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 70 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 60.000% | | Ice Gem 20.000% | | Light Clay 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 60.000% | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 20.000% | | Jolly:252/4/0/0/0/252 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Moonlight 80.000% | | Psychic 40.000% | | Hidden Power Rock 40.000% | | Earth Power 40.000% | | Ice Beam 20.000% | | Reflect 20.000% | | Light Screen 20.000% | | Explosion 20.000% | | Other 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Lopunny +37.027% | | Luxray +32.973% | | Drilbur +25.135% | | Eelektrik +23.784% | | Beedrill +18.649% | | Dewgong +18.649% | | Nidorino +18.649% | | Poliwhirl +18.649% | | Squirtle +17.297% | | Grovyle +10.541% | | Leavanny +9.189% | | Magmar +7.838% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Graveler | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 57 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sturdy 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Custap Berry 80.000% | | Eviolite 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 80.000% | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Explosion 40.000% | | Fire Punch 40.000% | | Sucker Punch 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Abra +70.540% | | Phione +70.540% | | Vullaby +69.189% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | | Lopunny +57.027% | | Wailord +18.649% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Stantler | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 71 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Intimidate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Double-Edge 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | | Substitute 80.000% | | Toxic 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Grovyle +70.540% | | Gastly +67.838% | | Pineco +66.487% | | Magcargo +62.432% | | Plusle +59.730% | | Mightyena +11.892% | | Croconaw +7.838% | | Eelektrik +3.784% | | Sudowoodo +2.432% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lickitung | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 5 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Oblivious 80.000% | | Own Tempo 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:248/0/8/0/252/0 40.000% | | Careful:248/0/8/0/252/0 40.000% | | Careful:252/0/4/0/252/0 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Wish 100.000% | | Protect 100.000% | | Heal Bell 100.000% | | Seismic Toss 80.000% | | Dragon Tail 20.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pupitar +34.595% | | Sandshrew +31.892% | | Gloom +31.892% | | Chimecho +23.784% | | Timburr +18.649% | | Marshtomp +18.649% | | Shelmet +17.297% | | Archen +17.297% | | Seadra +17.297% | | Pignite +17.027% | | Corsola +17.027% | | Mightyena +11.892% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Pupitar | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 4 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Shed Skin 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 75.000% | | Jolly:4/252/0/0/0/252 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Dragon Dance 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Crunch 50.000% | | Stealth Rock 25.000% | | Rest 25.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Chimecho +58.784% | | Lickitung +43.243% | | Gloom +41.892% | | Leavanny +39.189% | | Lampent +23.649% | | Marshtomp +23.649% | | Kecleon +22.297% | | Fearow +16.216% | | Octillery +14.189% | | Magmar +12.838% | | Eelektrik +8.784% | | Plusle +4.730% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Illumise | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 67 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Prankster 66.667% | | Oblivious 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Damp Rock 66.667% | | Leftovers 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/0/4/0/252/0 66.667% | | Sassy:252/0/4/0/252/0 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 100.000% | | Encore 66.667% | | Thunder Wave 66.667% | | Rain Dance 66.667% | | Roost 66.667% | | Sunny Day 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Beartic +62.613% | | Lopunny +43.694% | | Weepinbell +31.982% | | Seadra +30.631% | | Vanilluxe +28.829% | | Sandshrew +25.225% | | Dunsparce +23.874% | | Octillery +22.523% | | Magmar +21.171% | | Croconaw +21.171% | | Seaking +21.171% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Exploud | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Scrappy 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Specs 66.667% | | Leftovers 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Modest:252/0/0/252/4/0 33.333% | | Naughty:0/252/0/24/0/232 33.333% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/0/252 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Hyper Voice 66.667% | | Focus Blast 66.667% | | Overheat 66.667% | | Ice Beam 66.667% | | Work Up 33.333% | | Return 33.333% | | Earthquake 33.333% | | Shadow Ball 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Hypno +34.234% | | Heatmor +31.982% | | Tropius +31.982% | | Ariados +31.982% | | Boldore +31.982% | | Kecleon +30.631% | | Shelmet +30.631% | | Beartic +29.279% | | Palpitoad +29.279% | | Abra +23.874% | | Magcargo +15.766% | | Corsola +10.360% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Palpitoad | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 59 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Water Absorb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:252/0/252/4/0/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 100.000% | | Earth Power 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 66.667% | | Substitute 33.333% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Drilbur +51.802% | | Magcargo +49.099% | | Hypno +34.234% | | Fearow +32.883% | | Koffing +31.982% | | Girafarig +30.631% | | Archen +30.631% | | Exploud +29.279% | | Abra +23.874% | | Luxray +6.306% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Togetic | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 52 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Serene Grace 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Soft-Boiled 100.000% | | Heal Bell 100.000% | | Tri Attack 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Phione +90.541% | | Seaking +87.838% | | Sudowoodo +82.432% | | Swalot +82.432% | | Hypno +67.568% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Beartic | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 3 | | Viability Ceiling: 67 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swift Swim 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Lum Berry 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Swords Dance 100.000% | | Icicle Crash 100.000% | | Superpower 100.000% | | Aqua Jet 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Illumise +62.613% | | Lopunny +43.694% | | Shelmet +30.631% | | Exploud +29.279% | | Vanilluxe +28.829% | | Dunsparce +23.874% | | Octillery +22.523% | | Croconaw +21.171% | | Seaking +21.171% | | Corsola +10.360% | | Luxray +6.306% | | Hypno +0.901% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Grotle | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 46 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Overgrow 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Impish:252/4/252/0/0/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Synthesis 100.000% | | Seed Bomb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Drilbur +85.135% | | Swalot +82.432% | | Corsola +77.027% | | Lopunny +77.027% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Meditite | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Pure Power 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Bulk Up 100.000% | | Drain Punch 100.000% | | Zen Headbutt 100.000% | | Bullet Punch 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dunsparce +90.541% | | Chimecho +83.784% | | Eelektrik +83.784% | | Sudowoodo +82.432% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Seadra | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Poison Point 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 50.000% | | Choice Scarf 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 100.000% | | Hydro Pump 50.000% | | Substitute 50.000% | | Scald 50.000% | | Signal Beam 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sandshrew +91.892% | | Weepinbell +48.649% | | Shelmet +47.297% | | Archen +47.297% | | Illumise +45.946% | | Lickitung +43.243% | | Mightyena +41.892% | | Magmar +37.838% | | Fearow +16.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Kecleon | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Color Change 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/4/0/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Recover 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Drain Punch 50.000% | | Shadow Claw 50.000% | | Thunder Wave 50.000% | | Return 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Heatmor +48.649% | | Tropius +48.649% | | Ariados +48.649% | | Boldore +48.649% | | Exploud +45.946% | | Pupitar +44.595% | | Leavanny +39.189% | | Octillery +39.189% | | Chimecho +33.784% | | Fearow +16.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Granbull | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Intimidate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:248/252/0/0/8/0 50.000% | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Return 100.000% | | Bulk Up 100.000% | | Crunch 50.000% | | Heal Bell 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Girafarig +47.297% | | Sandshrew +41.892% | | Gloom +41.892% | | Grovyle +40.541% | | Seaking +37.838% | | Croconaw +37.838% | | Chimecho +33.784% | | Sudowoodo +32.432% | | Plusle +29.730% | | Fearow +16.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Shelmet | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 53 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Shell Armor 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Bold:248/0/252/8/0/0 50.000% | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Spikes 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Recover 100.000% | | Bug Buzz 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Archen +47.297% | | Seadra +47.297% | | Beartic +45.946% | | Exploud +45.946% | | Lickitung +43.243% | | Sandshrew +41.892% | | Mightyena +41.892% | | Corsola +27.027% | | Luxray +22.973% | | Hypno +17.568% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Girafarig | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 72 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sap Sipper 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 50.000% | | Leftovers 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 50.000% | | Modest:0/0/0/252/4/252 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Psychic 100.000% | | Hyper Voice 100.000% | | Trick 50.000% | | Signal Beam 50.000% | | Calm Mind 50.000% | | Agility 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Koffing +48.649% | | Granbull +47.297% | | Archen +47.297% | | Palpitoad +45.946% | | Sandshrew +41.892% | | Gloom +41.892% | | Grovyle +40.541% | | Croconaw +37.838% | | Drilbur +35.135% | | Vanilluxe +12.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Squirtle | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 68 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Torrent 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/4/0/252/0 50.000% | | Bold:252/0/252/0/4/0 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 100.000% | | Rapid Spin 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Seismic Toss 50.000% | | Rest 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pignite +77.027% | | Fearow +66.216% | | Lunatone +43.243% | | Grovyle +40.541% | | Dunsparce +40.541% | | Vullaby +39.189% | | Magmar +37.838% | | Chimecho +33.784% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Archen | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 2 | | Viability Ceiling: 59 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Defeatist 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Flying Gem 50.000% | | Sitrus Berry 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 50.000% | | Jolly:4/252/0/0/0/252 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Acrobatics 100.000% | | Taunt 50.000% | | Stealth Rock 50.000% | | Stone Edge 50.000% | | Tailwind 50.000% | | Rock Slide 50.000% | | U-turn 50.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Koffing +48.649% | | Shelmet +47.297% | | Seadra +47.297% | | Girafarig +47.297% | | Palpitoad +45.946% | | Lickitung +43.243% | | Sandshrew +41.892% | | Mightyena +41.892% | | Drilbur +35.135% | | Vanilluxe +12.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Bellossom | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 54 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Chlorophyll 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/4/0/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Leaf Blade 100.000% | | Nature Power 100.000% | | Stun Spore 100.000% | | Synthesis 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dunsparce +90.541% | | Gastly +87.838% | | Seaking +87.838% | | Chimecho +83.784% | | Pignite +77.027% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Weepinbell | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 47 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Chlorophyll 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Naughty:0/252/0/4/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Growth 100.000% | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Weather Ball 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Seadra +97.297% | | Illumise +95.946% | | Sandshrew +91.892% | | Magmar +87.838% | | Fearow +66.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Heatmor | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 52 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flash Fire 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Quiet:252/4/0/252/0/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Fire Blast 100.000% | | Focus Blast 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Knock Off 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Tropius +98.649% | | Ariados +98.649% | | Boldore +98.649% | | Kecleon +97.297% | | Exploud +95.946% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Tropius | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 52 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Harvest 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Swords Dance 100.000% | | Leaf Blade 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Roost 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Heatmor +98.649% | | Ariados +98.649% | | Boldore +98.649% | | Kecleon +97.297% | | Exploud +95.946% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Ariados | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 52 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Insomnia 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Leftovers 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | X-Scissor 100.000% | | Poison Jab 100.000% | | Hone Claws 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Heatmor +98.649% | | Tropius +98.649% | | Boldore +98.649% | | Kecleon +97.297% | | Exploud +95.946% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Boldore | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 52 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Sturdy 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:248/252/0/0/8/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Explosion 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Heatmor +98.649% | | Tropius +98.649% | | Ariados +98.649% | | Kecleon +97.297% | | Exploud +95.946% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Beedrill | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Swarm 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Black Sludge 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/0/4/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | U-turn 100.000% | | Roost 100.000% | | Toxic Spikes 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Dewgong +98.649% | | Lunatone +93.243% | | Luxray +72.973% | | Hypno +67.568% | | Fearow +66.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Dewgong | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Thick Fat 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Water Gem 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Surf 100.000% | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Substitute 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Beedrill +98.649% | | Lunatone +93.243% | | Luxray +72.973% | | Hypno +67.568% | | Fearow +66.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Wailord | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 52 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Water Veil 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Hasty:0/4/0/252/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 100.000% | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Water Spout 100.000% | | Self-Destruct 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Graveler +93.243% | | Plusle +79.730% | | Luxray +72.973% | | Fearow +66.216% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Golett | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 50 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | No Guard 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Careful:252/4/0/0/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | | Substitute 100.000% | | Dynamic Punch 100.000% | | Shadow Punch 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Lileep +93.243% | | Grovyle +90.541% | | Abra +90.541% | | Corsola +77.027% | | Fearow +66.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Timburr | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 49 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Guts 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:252/252/0/0/4/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Ice Punch 100.000% | | Drain Punch 100.000% | | Stone Edge 100.000% | | Mach Punch 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Lickitung +93.243% | | Abra +90.541% | | Pignite +77.027% | | Corsola +77.027% | | Fearow +66.216% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Lampent | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flash Fire 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Choice Scarf 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Fire Blast 100.000% | | Shadow Ball 100.000% | | Trick 100.000% | | Calm Mind 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pupitar +94.595% | | Leavanny +89.189% | | Chimecho +83.784% | | Plusle +79.730% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Nidorino | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 48 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Hustle 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Adamant:0/252/4/0/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Hone Claws 100.000% | | Poison Jab 100.000% | | Sucker Punch 100.000% | | Drill Run 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Poliwhirl +98.649% | | Lunatone +93.243% | | Leavanny +89.189% | | Plusle +79.730% | | Lopunny +77.027% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Poliwhirl | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 48 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Water Absorb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Salac Berry 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:4/252/0/0/0/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Substitute 100.000% | | Belly Drum 100.000% | | Waterfall 100.000% | | Return 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Nidorino +98.649% | | Lunatone +93.243% | | Leavanny +89.189% | | Plusle +79.730% | | Lopunny +77.027% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Clamperl | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 52 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Shell Armor 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Deep Sea Tooth 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:0/0/0/252/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Shell Smash 100.000% | | Surf 100.000% | | Ice Beam 100.000% | | Hidden Power Grass 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Mightyena +91.892% | | Dunsparce +90.541% | | Eelektrik +83.784% | | Sudowoodo +82.432% | | Hypno +67.568% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Marshtomp | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Torrent 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Relaxed:220/0/252/0/0/36 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Scald 100.000% | | Earthquake 100.000% | | Toxic 100.000% | | Stealth Rock 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Pupitar +94.595% | | Lickitung +93.243% | | Gloom +91.892% | | Magmar +87.838% | | Chimecho +83.784% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Servine | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 56 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Overgrow 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Timid:160/0/0/120/0/228 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Calm Mind 100.000% | | Giga Drain 100.000% | | Glare 100.000% | | Synthesis 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Octillery +89.189% | | Sudowoodo +82.432% | | Lopunny +77.027% | | Pignite +77.027% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Cherrim | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 51 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Flower Gift 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Life Orb 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Jolly:0/252/0/0/4/252 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Sunny Day 100.000% | | Seed Bomb 100.000% | | Nature Power 100.000% | | Morning Sun 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Sandshrew +91.892% | | Magmar +87.838% | | Corsola +77.027% | | Fearow +66.216% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ | Koffing | +----------------------------------------+ | Raw count: 1 | | Viability Ceiling: 59 | +----------------------------------------+ | Abilities | | Levitate 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Items | | Eviolite 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Spreads | | Calm:252/0/0/4/252/0 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Moves | | Will-O-Wisp 100.000% | | Sludge Bomb 100.000% | | Flamethrower 100.000% | | Pain Split 100.000% | +----------------------------------------+ | Teammates | | Girafarig +97.297% | | Archen +97.297% | | Palpitoad +95.946% | | Drilbur +85.135% | | Vanilluxe +62.162% | +----------------------------------------+ | Checks and Counters | +----------------------------------------+